Security and Cloud Solutions

Security and Cloud Solutions

Cloud or cloud computing covers many different concepts and services, but they all have in common that they are accessed via the internet. Unlike traditional hosting, where services and data are typically located in a specific location, the “location” in the cloud is more fluid and can be spread across multiple geographical locations and even countries.

Today, many companies have distributed their IT infrastructure across both Private and Public Cloud, but the trend is moving more towards Public Cloud.

We focus on these areas:
Safety and security
Private Cloud
Both (Hybrid Cloud)
Public Cloud

Security and Cloud Solutions

The approach to security depends on the chosen solution and must always be risk-assessed in relation to where you place business-critical services and data. There needs to be a different focus on security and, among other things, you need to think carefully:
Access control, digital and physical
Will a hacker entering the cloud be able to access your data and IT infrastructure?
Is access via a VPN solution sufficient in terms of speed and is it stable enough for your daily operations?
Can additional security be added?
Are you sure where your data is located, e.g. within the EU?
Improving the security of cloud solutions can quickly become complex to work with. Professional advisors, like TripleIT’s consultants, can help you assess the risk versus the cost to ensure you get the right solution.

Private cloud

Consists of computing services for data processing and storage, typically used by a single business.

It can be physically located in the organization’s own data center or it can be located with one or more hosting providers. With a hosting provider, there is a certain level of isolation between the different users (organizations/companies), which is usually achieved through the allocation of a private IP subnet and a virtual network infrastructure, such as a VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network), DMZ, VPN (encrypted connection) and SDN (software-defined network) per customer. Find out more here.

A private cloud can make it easier for an organization to adapt its resources to specific requirements in the moment. This could be in relation to storing data in a cloud location that the company wants to know the location of.

It could also be support for applications that are not ready to be moved to a public cloud.

There are requirements for financial and public companies to know the physical location of their data, and for some, the requirement is that it must be in Denmark or within the EU.

Benefits of private clouds:

Greater flexibility for very specific IT requirements
High security as resources are not shared with others
High scalability – as a hosting company can easily allocate more resources.
Both (Hybrid Cloud)
For some companies, it makes sense to distribute IT infrastructure across both Private Cloud and Public Cloud. This can be for recurring large calculations or data consolidation, where scalability is a driving factor and where you can add large amounts of processing power, RAM and storage on-demand. However, the trend is moving more in the direction of Public Cloud.
Benefits of hybrid:
High scalability when extra resources are needed, e.g. for monthly or yearly runs, where a subset can be moved to the public cloud.
You can combine the best of both worlds.
Public cloud
Can be defined as computing services and data processing offered by third-party providers over the public internet, making them available to anyone who wants to use or purchase them. They can be free or sold on-demand. The service is delivered over the internet, so you typically manage your account using a web browser. Third-party providers own and support all hardware, software and infrastructure and you share hardware, storage and network devices with other organizations in the cloud environment.

Examples of public cloud providers include Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and Google Cloud Platform, and they have vast resources for storage and computing.

Benefits of public clouds:
Lower start-up costs
No hardware maintenance and service
High scalability
High reliability – as the system is typically part of a large network of redundant servers

The layers of IT security

In the overview below, we call it the layers of IT security, you can read more about the many layers a hacker has to go through to get to your most sacred data and business secrets, which no unauthorized person can access. The different layers can help you focus on your company’s IT security and gradually build a solid defense against hackers and cybercriminals.

TripleIT can help you find the right action points and next steps by conducting an IT security analysis to reveal where it’s most relevant to take action first and where you get the most security for your money.

Hybrid Cloud
Private Cloud
Public Cloud
Access security
Network security
Endpoint Security
Data security
IT security analysis
Company assets
Operation and monitoring
IT security procedure and policies

IT security procedures and policies can prevent breakdowns and threats.

Read more here

Your company's critical assets

Critical assets are defined as assets that maintain the performance of your business.

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Operation, monitoring and feedback
Operations, monitoring and response can strengthen resilience against external threats.

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Data security

Data security is about methods and precautions to protect data

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Application security

Application security is about strengthening the security of software programs.

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Endpoint security
Endpoint security is about the security of user PCs, mobiles and tablets.

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Network security

Network security is essential to strengthen the defenses of your company’s IT infrastructure.

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Access security

Access security is about protecting your business physically and digitally from unauthorized access.

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Private cloud

The security of cloud services is about preventing unauthorized access to the infrastructure, service and data.

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Public cloud

The security of cloud services is about preventing unauthorized access to the infrastructure, service and data.

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Hybrid cloud

The security of cloud services is about preventing unauthorized access to the infrastructure, service and data.

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