Secure DNS
The vast majority of cyber attacks today are carried out via insecure/dangerous websites (domains) that are activated e.g. via a phishing email or via a legitimate website that has been hijacked and modified with malicious code. When a person activates such a link, the code from a malicious website is executed through the browser and the attack is a reality.
Most attacks, like all other internet users, rely on DNS to direct the user to an infected website or command-and-control server. Derfor kan man med Secure DNS, på forhånd checke om en hjemmeside (url/domæne) er kendt for at være skadelig, og forhindre brugere i at tilgå den. Denne Secure DNS service logger alle DNS opslag og validerer på forhånd om den indeholder farlig kode eller er en kendt command-and-control server.
Today, Secure DNS unblocks more than 6 million websites (domains) and 50-70,000 new ones are added daily, instantly benefiting users of the service.
TripleIT can help you implement Secure DNS in your business. Once it’s properly implemented, there’s no administration time for you – we’ll keep an eye on everything.
3 Benefits of Secure DNS
Increased security
Less data loss
All platforms
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